Registration on the site is required prior to ordering. Sign-up for an account by providing your details and completing the form. You are now ready to start adding items to your shopping cart.
Browse through the categories and click on the item you want to purchase. Select the quantity and size, when applicable. You may also refer to the size chart of each brand and item to guide you through your purchase.
Click the “Add to Cart” button and a pop-up will appear confirming that your product has been successfully added to your shopping cart. When you are done shopping, proceed to “Check-Out” to proceed to select your preferred mode of payment and finalize your order.
The following payment methods are currently accepted to complete your order.
- Credit Cards & Debit Cards
- Bank Deposits
- Mobile & On-Line Payment Transfers
- Over-the-Counter Payments
You will receive an email sent to your email to confirm your order details and shipping fees.